Administrative Staff

Fr. Brian Phelps

Pastor of Our Lady of Light Family of Parishes

Mrs. Leah Coghlan


Mrs. Suzie Kreusch

Special Events Coordinator

Mr. Jacob Christy

Social Media & Marketing Coordinator

Mr. Michael Lippert

Attendance Coordinator

Mrs. Becky Miller '76

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Valerie Henry

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jenice Perito

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kristen Erickson

Asst. Principal for Student Success

Mrs. Amanda Ooten '00

Vice Principal of Curriculum and Assessment

Mr. Daniel Dunn

Director of Campus Ministry

Mrs. Laura Senkiw

Director of Admissions

Mrs. Deanne McNeil

Director of Technology

Mr. Rob Theewis

Director of Facilities

Mrs. Terri Conroy

School Business Manager

Mr. Mike Hoendorf

Director of Development

Mrs. Kelley Recob

State Scholarship Coordinator


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Auxiliary Staff

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Mrs. Theresa Aiena

Technology Support

Mr. James Bond


Mr. Ed Castellano


Mr. Leonard Dressler

Network Administrator

Mrs. Nancy Hudecek


Mrs. Lori Kelley

ACE & Morning Care

Mr. Mark Miller


Mr. David Opfer

Technology Support

Mrs. Sheila Pierce


Mr. Joe Rolaf


All school employees must complete both manual and an electronic background check at time of  employment. The electronic background check is done through SELECTION.COM. All employees must be in full compliance with the Decree on Child Protection including completing Virtus training and stay current on monthly bulletins.  All licensed school employees must have Ohio Department of Education certification and current fingerprinting.