Why a uniform? Students’ proclamation of self comes through actions and words rather than through clothing fads of the times. Also, this is the fourth general precept under Incarnation’s Code of Conduct. The policy for uniforms at Incarnation School is supported by the Incarnation Administrative Team, Teachers, and Our Lady of Light Family Leadership Team. Students in ALL grades (Preschool 4’s through Eighth) are expected to follow the Incarnation School dress code policy and parents are expected to provide the needed impetus for successful compliance. A student who deliberately does not comply with the dress code will receive a warning and uniform violation and parents will be contacted. Continued disregard of the dress code policy could result in detention, suspension or expulsion. Final decisions will be made by the Administration.
Where are uniforms purchased? Uniform shirts, sweatshirts and spirit wear may be purchased from our approved uniform suppliers, The Spirit In You, (https://thespiritnu.com/incarnation-catholic-school) or Tiedemann-Bevs, (https://incarnationstore.com/).
All clothing should be clean and in good condition with no rips, tears, holes or stains, including out of uniform days.
Approved PLAID jumper and skirt for all grades may be ordered from Tiedemann-Bevs and must be no more than six inches above the knee. (NO navy blue skirts or jumpers.) Navy blue uniform shorts or navy-blue bicycle shorts or leggings should be worn under the jumper or skirt. Shorts may not be longer than the jumper or skirt. From November 1 through April 1, girls wearing jumpers or skirts must wear leggings or tights under them for warmth.

Navy blue uniform pants are the only pants that may be worn for grades Preschool 4’s through 6. Navy blue stretch pants (not tights or leggings) may be worn by girls in grades Preschool 4’s through 3. Grades 7 & 8 may wear navy or khaki uniform pants. “Jeans styling” (such as top-stitching, patch pockets, low-rise waistline, etc.), skinny styles, cargo styles or jogger styles ARE NOT approved uniform and ARE NOT acceptable uniform attire for any grade level. Pants must not be too tight. Belts are optional. Pant legs must not be tucked into any footwear.

Navy blue uniform shorts and skorts may be worn for all grades. Grades 7 & 8 may wear navy or khaki uniform shorts or skorts. Shorts and skorts must be no more than 6 inches above the knee. Shorts and skorts must not be too tight or too short. From November 1 through April 1: Shorts are not permitted and skorts must be worn with leggings.
Solid white, pink or light chambray blue polo shirts with a collar must be worn for all grades. Polo shirts must be purchased from The Spirit in You or Tiedemann-Bevs. All shirts must have the approved Incarnation Bell Tower logo on the left chest. (Polo shirts with the Blue-Ribbon Schools logo may continue to be worn if in good condition.) Logos MAY NOT be added to shirts after purchase by other vendors. Girls may wear feminine fit style polo shirts. Turtlenecks are permitted ONLY under approved jumpers, sweaters, sweatshirts, pullovers, and vests. Undershirts and T-shirts worn under uniform shirts or PE shirts must be white without lettering or graphics. Please remember that shirts must be tucked in at all times; even while wearing a sweatshirt, sweater, or vest.
Solid navy-blue cardigan, vest, or pullover may be worn over a uniform shirt or turtleneck. Collared uniform shirts or turtlenecks must be worn under all sweaters.
Grey Incarnation hoodie sweatshirts with green lettering may be worn in grades P4-6. Grey 1/4 zip fleece sweatshirts with Logo are available in two styles for students in grades 7 & 8 only. These items are available only through The Spirit In You or Tiedemann-Bevs and may be worn as part of the uniform. The green uniform hoodies and sweatshirts available in past years will no longer be sold but may continue to be worn only if in good condition.
Only plain white or black socks are permitted. While we recommend that socks have no logos, socks with small logos less than 2” in length will be allowed. Socks should be visible above the shoe top. Navy blue or white full-legged tights may be worn only under the uniform jumper, skirt or skort. Socks sold as spirit wear with the “I” logo are permitted. On Monday’s, students are allowed to wear their favorite socks. Although they do not have to be white, they must be visible above the shoe top.
Rubber, non-marking soled tennis or gym type shoes with ties and/or Velcro closings may be worn. Flip-flops and wheelie shoes are not permitted at any time. Sandals and fashion boots are permitted ONLY on casual days (see below). 8th Grade students may wear traditional closed-toe Crocs. Snow boots may be worn outside during recess but may not be worn in the classroom.
Fashion necklaces, pins, rings, and bracelets are often a distraction and are not permitted. Christian religious jewelry may be worn (crosses, Guardian Angel pins, etc.) One earring may be worn per ear to school. For safety reasons, only post earrings may be worn. Break-away necklaces are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for safety reasons. Cords or rope necklaces may not be worn around the neck as they can be hazardous on the playground and during PE classes.
No fingernail polish is permitted in any grade. Fake nails may not be worn. No facial makeup may be worn in grades Preschool 4’s through 6. Girls in grades 7 & 8 may wear light facial makeup. Facial glitter and false eyelashes are not permitted.
No extreme hair styles, cuts, or coloring (including Mohawk styles or shaved shapes in hair.) Boys’ hair should be above the collar.
Gum chewing is not permitted on school property.
All students must wear athletic shoes with rubber, non-marking soles to avoid damage to the gym floor. Preschool-4th grades do not have PE uniforms and students will wear their school uniforms (unless it is a designated casual/spirit day.) Grades 5-8 students must wear the PE uniform (unless it is a designated casual/spirit day.) Please refer to the policy below for casual days and follow those guidelines.
PE uniforms can be purchased through The Spirit in You or Tiedemann-Bevs. Uniforms previously used may still be worn if they are in good condition. Green CYO shorts are also permitted instead of purchasing a new pair of green PE uniform shorts. From November 1 to April 1 shorts are not permitted to be worn to school. For PE class, students may wear the Incarnation joggers, which may be purchased through our approved providers. Solid color black or gray athletic pants or sweatpants may also be worn, any logo may not be larger than three inches. In addition, students may also wear solid color leggings in black or gray under their PE shorts. Leggings alone may not be worn.
Special Circumstances:
DRESS UP DAYS / CASUAL DAYS / SPIRIT DAYS / SPECIAL CLUBS: Casual pants, including jeans and cargo pants, may be worn on Casual Day; any skinny pants or other tight pants may only be worn with a tunic length top. Shorts and skirts must be no more than six inches from the kneecap. Dress shoes and sandals (without socks) are permitted. For safety, students may not wear flip flops. Tank tops, crop tops, midriff tops, low cut tops, tops with spaghetti straps, no straps, or low-slung pants are not acceptable attire for Dress up or Casual Days. If clothing worn to school is deemed inappropriate by the School Administration, parents may be called and/or used uniforms (washed and kept in the Nurse’s office for this and other purposes!) may replace the inappropriate clothing.
SPIRIT DAYS: An Incarnation Spirit shirt may be worn on designated Spirit Days with uniform pants or shorts. Two types of shirts may be worn to show school pride: 1) Spirit Wear T-shirts with the Incarnation logo or Crusader logo; and 2) Any solid green or solid gold (or blend of both) short or long sleeved T-shirts. Students may wear their Incarnation sport jerseys only if it is labeled in some manner with Incarnation School or Incarnation Crusaders.
SPECIAL CLUBS AND TEAMS: Boy and Girl Scout Uniforms may be worn on meeting days. Other Incarnation Club shirts, Incarnation Team shirts and Incarnation Sports shirts may be worn on designated days coinciding with Competitions or Special Events with advance permission and approval of the Administration and Grade Level Teachers.
MASKS: Based on guidance from Dayton and Montgomery County Public Health, students may wear masks in school. Masks may not have extreme styles, decorations, or wording. Any messages or images on the masks must align with our Catholic faith. If masks are mandated by a government agency, Incarnation School must comply.