Intermediate 2
5th & 6th Grade Overview
The Incarnation Intermediate 2 program is compromised of the 5th and 6th grade classes. At the 5th and 6th grade level students are required to understand changing classes according to a 7 period schedule. Students have lockers and are required to understand operating procedures for them. Materials needed for classes are to be organized and instruction is guided toward having students begin study and note taking skills.
Fifth grade is a year of new experiences at Incarnation. Students travel to each of the fifth grade teachers in departmentalized classes. Students take on more responsibilities having their own lockers and laptops. Religion class focuses on the beliefs of the Catholic Church and the sacraments. Science topics include weather, chemistry, electricity, and astronomy. Math covers fractions, decimals, and geometry. In Social Studies, students study early American colonization along with western hemisphere history and culture. In Language Arts, the eight parts of speech are emphasized and incorporated into their four major writing pieces: informational, persuasive, narrative, and expository. Students spend two quarters studying the French language and two quarters with the Spanish language. All students learn to play a musical instrument whether they join the school band, school orchestra, or play guitar in general music class. In the spring, students are able to take an overnight adventure to Camp Kern for two nights/three days. While at camp, students put their skills into action while they experience pioneer living, explore the outdoor trails, and conduct experiments. Fifth grade is full of fun learning at its finest!
The sixth grade is a stellar year at Incarnation! As we prepare the students for junior high, they are exposed to a plethora of exciting topics. In science life science is covered, with the always fun pet genetics project and zoo adaptations field trip. Social studies includes time periods such as the Middle Ages. Our English program inspires great writing in the students and allows them to participate in our Book Buddies program, pairing young readers with adult community members in a book club. And in math the students are captivated with a variety of topics from factorization to basic algebraic concepts. Each year the students participate in our special sixth grade Mother’s Mass to honor their mothers in May. To honor the students for all of their hard work, the coveted Key Awards are given each quarter for students who excel in scholarship, kindness, leadership, and responsibility. These awards capture the wonderful focus of our fabulous grade!