Early Fives Program
The Early Fives program is a planned part of the total educational program at Incarnation School, and it provides a foundation for further learning. The program is designed to offer children positive academic experiences as they prepare to enter Kindergarten. Students in Early Fives must turn five by October 30th of the current school year.
The goals of the Early Fives program are to help the children:
• learn about life through very basic religion instruction;
• learn to work and socialize in a classroom environment;
• improve large and fine motor skills;
• develop beginning listening skills;
• experience learning situations that will allow them to experiment, explore and stimulate their creativity;
• establish a positive foundation for academic learning.
An integrated Pre-Kindergarten curriculum encompasses language arts, math, social studies, and science.
Religion is the foundation of our curriculum and invites children to experience the love of God through family, friends, self, and the world. Children will learn simple Bible verses, traditional Bible stories, and recite daily prayers to reinforce our goal of walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
Language Arts is a completely integrated curriculum that offers a solid foundation for teaching and reinforcing pre-reading skills required as a preparation for Kindergarten.
English skills covered include parts of speech, subjects, predicates, complete sentences, run-on sentences, and punctuation.
Children learn basic math concepts taught using a variety of manipulatives, games, and centers.
Students will be introduced through a variety of simple topics related to the weather, safety, seeds/plants, personal hygiene, and the five senses.
Students’ study will focus on the seasons and applicable holidays and events.
Art projects are done several times a week. The art experience enhances and enriches the theme and/or the literature of the day. A variety of art supplies is used to encourage originality and individual creativity. Music is a daily part of the Early Fives program. The children are exposed to simple songs and finger plays which reinforce everyday themes. Sensorimotor activities incorporate physical education with music.
RECESS AND SNACK is included in the daily schedule. We stress the importance of sending a nutritious/healthy snack with your child.