The Incarnation Library has approximately 16,000 titles as well as numerous reference resources. The library uses the Destiny system for our card catalog system. The library also offers the Accelerated Reader (AR) program for students and teachers. The AR program classifies books according to reading level and some grades use the AR quiz system to monitor comprehension. Listed below are the current activities of the Incarnation Library and Media Center.
Visits to the Library
Grades Pre-K-4 visit the library once a week. A story is read and then the students have time to select books to take home. Students in Pre-K keep their books in the classroom for enjoyment during quiet reading time throughout the week.
Grades 1-4 also work on writing in the library. We focus on the writing process and students work to develop ideas, revise, edit, and publish pieces.
Grades 5 and 6 visit the library every other week. All students are welcome to come to the library before or after school or during a study hall to look for new books
Checking out books
Grades pre-K -1 check out one book at a time. Grades 2 through 8 can borrow two books at a time. Student identification badges are used as the library card.
Donate To Celebrate
Students and family members are invited to participate in our Donate to Celebrate program by selecting a book from the book club shelves and donating it to the library. Celebrate a birthday, commemorate graduations or First Communion, and help build our school library. Special bookplates are placed in the front of the book recognizing the occasion. The cost is $16.00 for each book you would like to donate. You can participate in Donate to Celebrate by filling out the online Form found in iNews.
Overdue notices/Lost Books
Overdue notices are sent home with a student after a book is 2 weeks overdue. If a book cannot be located the student is required to provide the replacement cost of the book. If the book is found and returned to the library before the end of the school year the replacement cost is refunded.
Please feel free to email the school librarians at librarian@incarnation-school.com with any questions!