When Incarnation School opened its doors sixty years ago, the Catholic school model was firmly in place. A vibrant faith education, rigorous curriculum, and loving yet structured environment were at the heart of the new school and remains part of the strong culture infusing the school today. Over the years, Incarnation School has graduated thousands of eighth graders, from 34 in 1960 to 80 students in 2021. These students have gone on to great things: they have become successful businessmen and women, doctors, engineers, and teachers. Incarnation graduates have founded multimillion dollar companies and starred on Broadway. Alumni have become professional athletes and followed their dreams to become research scientists. Former students have married, begun their own families, and have sent their children to Incarnation to seed the next generation of dreamers and achievers.
The Wall Street Journal published a study in June 2018 addressing the ‘Catholic School Difference’. Catholic schools instill self-discipline in students and this quality will benefit them throughout life, increasing success, drive, focus, and relationships. Students who attend Catholic schools show measurably higher achievement than their public school peers. Parents who choose to invest in Catholic education are consciously setting their children on a path toward a better life.
Tuesday, November 29th is the National Day of Giving; a day for families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world to come together for one common purpose: to celebrate giving. Please remember Incarnation School when considering where your donation will be most effective. If possible, consider joining the Crusader Club to support Catholic school education. Your generosity will support programming and improvements designed to create possibilities for the current students and those yet to enter our doors. Thank you for giving and God bless!