The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which those who wish to join the Catholic faith community are welcomed and introduced to the beliefs and practices of the Church. For those not yet baptized, this process leads to the Easter Vigil where they receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Those who have been previously baptized in another Christian tradition are invited to participate fully in the Church through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
For adults who sense a desire to become members of the Catholic Church, RCIA is the manner in which the journey to Catholic Christianity unfolds. RCIA is the way interested adults explore the Catholic faith.
RCIA reaches out to anyone who has never been baptized or to anyone baptized in another Christian tradition and is interested in becoming Catholic. If a person has been married, divorced and re-married the first marriage must be taken care of through an annulment process before a person can begin RCIA.
The RCIA group usually forms and begins in the Fall of the year and will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings, beginning at 7PM.
You will find more detailed information concerning RCIA including Parish Staff contact information on our Church of the Incarnation Parish App.